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LR1262 LoRaWAN AT Command Description

Sum Up

It mainly introduces the AT commands for LR1262 module communication in the field of Internet of Things, including configuration, operation, data sending and receiving of LoRa modules.

1. Terms, definitions and acronyms

Terms and definitions

  • LoRa

LoRa is one of the LPWAN communication technologies, which is an ultra-long-range wireless transmission solution based on spread spectrum technology adopted and promoted by Semtech.

Features: low power consumption, long distance, low cost.

  • LoRaWAN

The LoRa Alliance is an open, non-profit organisation founded in March 2015, led by Semtech. The Alliance published a low-power WAN standard based on an open source MAC layer protocol: the LoRaWAN protocol standard.

Network topology: Star structure.

Network Composition: LoRa Module, Gateway, Server (including Network Server, Network Control and Application Server).

LoRaWAN classifies LoRa modules into A/B/C categories.


Acronyms Full name
MCU Microcontroller Unit
MT Mobile Terminal
TA Terminal Agent
TE Terminal Equipment

2. Functional overview

The TE (Terminal Equipment) can control the functions of the MT (Mobile Terminal) and related network services by sending the AT commands described in this document. Terminal Agent (TA) performs the command and message adaptation function between the terminal equipment and the mobile equipment.

The physical realisation of the TE, TA and MT can be as follows:

  • TE, TA and MT are three separate entities;
  • TE is a separate entity and TA is integrated inside MT;
  • MT is a separate entity and the TA is integrated inside the TE;
  • TE, TA and MT are integrated into one entity.

In this document, TE is the MCU module of the IoT device and TA is the communication module and is integrated inside MT. Communication module means LoRa communication module.

The system structure of the terminal equipment (TE), terminal adapter (TA) and mobile terminal (MT) and the basic flow of establishing the association among them are shown in Fig.


According to the picture, we can see that the MCU module and the communication module are integrated together in the IoT device, and the MCU communicates with the TA through AT commands to control the MT (ME refers to mobile equipment) and realise the interaction between the IoT device and the cloud.

The interaction with the cloud is carried out through LoRa. In this document, the standard AT commands are extended to support LoRa commands, etc., so as to realise the message interaction between the IoT device and the cloud.

AT Command Syntax

The AT command uses an ASCII-based command line with the following command format:

The request message format is: AT+[OP][para-1,para-2,......para-n]

domain clarification
AT+ command message prefix
CMD command string
Op Command Operator. It can be the following:"=": indicates a parameter setting."?" : Indicates the current value of the query parameter." ": indicates the execution of the command."=?" : Indicates the parameter of the query setting command.
para-1,para-2,……para-n Indicates the value of the parameter to be set, or specifies the parameter to be queried
\R Carriage return terminator, ASCII code 0x0D

Response message format is <\r\n>[+CMD:][para-1,para-2,......para-n]<\r\n> or <\r\n><\r\n>, or both of the above

domain clarification
\r\n Line break, ASCII code 0x0A
+CMD The corresponding command string
para-1,para-2,……para-n The corresponding parameter string
STATUS Command execution status. It can be the following:"OK": indicates that the command execution was successful."ERROR": indicates that the command execution failed."+CME ERROR:": indicates that the command execution failed and returns the corresponding error code.


(1) <>: Indicates what must be included.

(2) [ ]: indicates optional content.

(3) \r: carriage return terminator, ASCII code is 0x0D

(4) \n: Line feed character, ASCII code is 0x0A.

(5) For example, to query the connection mode of MQTT, send the command as:


(7) The reply message is:

  • \r\n+IMQTTMODE:1\r\n

  • \r\nOK\r\n

Note: \r\n is hidden in the following text for ease of reading

(1). Parameter configuration of serial port:

  • baud rate 115200, data bit 8, stop bit 1, parity bit 0.

(2). The current commands support back display, temporarily do not support BackSpace, temporarily do not support back flip history commands.

Sample program description

1. Jumper connection

The LORAWAN_AT project uses a low-power serial port for reception, a power supply section, a reset button, an antenna and a USB connection.

2. Code location (to be added later)

3. Serial port settings

The serial port configuration information is as follows:

Baud rate: 9600 
Data bits: 8 
Stop bits: 1 
Parity: None 
Flow Control: None


The following is an example of the steps to configure the network entry using the AT command for node A:

(1) Node A Information

DevEui: 70B3D57ED005B7FF
AppEui: 0000000000000003

AppKey: A8D7E5959F7746D902BF52BA2F899E3E
Node Type: ClassA 
Gateway Frequency Group Mask: 0001

(2) Setting Channel Mode


(3) Set the node entry frequency band

AT+BAND=8 (8 is 915 frequency band)

(4) Node triad information configuration


(5) Start networking



(6) Send data


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AT command commands

Command Parameter Explanation
AT+RESET None //Reset command
AT+RFS None //Clear Flash Data
AT++SAVE None //Save to flash memory
AT+VL [=verb_lvl], verb_lvl = [0:3] //Set the level of detail for obtaining information
AT+LTIME [=?] //Get the local time in UTC format.

Key, ID and EUL Management Commands

Command Parameter Explanation
AT+AppEui [=0102030405060708] (16 bit EUI) //set/get application EUI
AT+NwkKey [=2B7E151628AED2A6ABF7158809CF4F3C] //Set/Get Network Root Key
AT+AppKey [=2B7E151628AED2A6ABF7158809CF4F3C] //Set/Get Application Root Key
AT+NwkSKey [=2B7E151628AED2A6ABF7158809CF4F3C] //Set/Get Application Session Key
AT+AppSKey [=2B7E151628AED2A6ABF7158809CF4F3C] //Set/Get Network Session Key
AT+DevAddr [=01020A0B] //Set/get device address
AT+DevEui [=0123456789ABCDEF] //Set/get the unique ID of the module
AT+NWKID [=127] //Setup Get Network ID

LoRaWAN join and send data commands

Command Parameter Explanation
AT+JOIN =1,3 (Parameter 1 is the entry mode selection (OTAA, ABP), parameter 2 is the number of cyclic entries (valid only in OTAA mode range (1-8))) //Join the network
AT+LINKC // Send out MAC command request to the next uplink
AT+SEND[=port_nb:confirmedmode:data]where confirmedmode = 0 or 1. //Send data to the network

LoRaWAN network management commands

Command Parameter Explanation
AT+VER [=class] where class = [A, B or C] // Get the version of the LoRa WAN
AT+ADR [=dutycycle] where dutycycle = 0 or 1 //Set/Get Adaptive Data Rate Function
AT+BAND [=5,0] (Parameter 1 is band selection selectable (5 or 8), Parameter 2 is channel selection 868 (3), 915 (8)) (For multiple channels, only the first parameter is needed) //Set/Get band area
AT+DR [=delay] where delay in ms (need to turn off AT+ADR=0 before setting, parameters 0-7) //Set/Get Data Rate
AT+CLASS [=delay] where delay in ms, AT+CLASS=A or B or C , need to JOIN successfully before setting // Setting up the node ABC class
AT+DCS [=delay] where delay in ms, AT+DCS=0 or 1 //set/get connection delay on Rx window 1
AT+JN1DL [=delay] where delay in ms //Set/Get connection delay on Rx window 2
AT+JN2DL [=datarate] where X = [0:7] //set/get delay for Rx window 1
AT+RX1DL [=delay] where delay in ms //set/get delay for Rx window 1
AT+RX2DL [=delay] where delay in ms //Set/Get delay for Rx window 2
AT+RX2DR [=datarate] where X = [0:7] //Set/Get data rate for Rx window 2
AT+RX2FQ [=freq] where freq in Hz, AT+RX2FQ=868100000 need to set AT+BAND=5 then follow up with lorawan protocol downstream to set it up //Set/get the frequency of Rx window 2
AT+TXP [=txpow] where txpow = [0:7] //Set/Get transmit power
AT+PGSLOT [=periodicity]AT+PGSLOT=0 Parameters 0-7 //Set/get unicast ping slot period. If the end device is already connected, resend PingSlotInfoReq

Radio Test Command

Command Parameter Explanation
AT+TTONE None // Set the RF tone test.
AT+TRSSI None // Set the RF RSSI tone test.
AT+TCONF [=freq:pow:bw:sf:cr:lna:pa :mod:paylen:freqdev :lowdropt:BT]AT+TCONF=868000000:14:4:12:⅘:0:0:1:16:25000:2:3 //Setup/Get Configuration LoRa RF Test.
AT+TTX [=nb_packets_sent] // Configure the number of messages sent by the PER RF Tx test.
AT+TRX [=nb_packets_received] // Configure the number of messages received by the PER RF Rx test case.
AT+CERTIF [=mode] where mode = 0 (ABP) or mode = 1 (OTAA) // Set the module in LoRaWAN authentication to connection mode.
AT+TTH [=, ,,]AT+TTH=868000000,868500000,100000,6 //Activate RF Tx frequency hopping test from Fstart to Fstop (in Hz or MHz), Fdelta (in Hz)
AT+TOFF None //Stop RF test.
AT+BAT AT+BAT=? //Getting Battery Level

Added command

Command Parameter Explanation
AT+ChannelMode [=0] (0 is single channel, 1 is multi-channel, default is multi-channel) //Set/Get Channel Mode
AT+LowPower [ =1 ] (0 is off low power, 1 is on low power, default is on low power) //Setting the power consumption mode