TinySniffer is to capture USB 1.x and 2.0 packets, with the feature of controlling it remotely.
Product Name:
tinySniffer - USB sniffer
tinySniffer is to capture USB 1.x and 2.0 packets, with the feature of controlling it remotely.
There are several USB sniffer / analyzer in the world. Our tinySniffer is probably the first one in the world which uses software solution.
Our software solution consists of 2 parts: 1) pass through USB packets; 2) capture USB packets. Pass through USB packets is technically difficult.
tinySniffer can be controlled remotely. A use case scenario is that you ship a tinySniffer to someone, you can control it remotely, capture USB packets and download the captured USB packets.
tinySniffer can capture full USB enumeration process.
tinySniffer can emulate USB peripheral's unplug / replug by remotely running command "sniff -R". This is very useful to capture USB enumeration process.
tinySniffer supports capture filter.
Video introduction about tinySniffer is here:
Detailed information about tinySniffer is here:
- tinySniffer is built on top of NanoPi Neo Air.
- tinySniffer is software solution to pass-through USB packets and capture USB packets.