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Sysrox MMC5983MA 3-axis Magnetometer Compass 0.5° Precise SPI

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Nano Sensor: MMC5983MA 3-axis Magnetometer High-Performance Compass 0.5° Precise Heading Measurement SPI Communication for Arduino or Raspberry


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Nano Sensor: MMC5983MA 3-axis Magnetometer High-Performance Compass 0.5° Precise Heading Measurement SPI Communication for Arduino or Raspberry








1.05 x 1.05 x 0.2 cm







✏️SYSROX HIGH-PRECISION MAGNETOMETER allowing for 3-axis measurement of magnetic fields enabling precise heading measurement with 0.5° accuracy, ideal for use as a compass. Measurement frequency up to 1000Hz, measurement range of ±8 Gauss with an 18-bit ADC.

✏️NEXT-GENERATION SENSOR (MMC5983MA) HIGH PERFORMANCE replacing older models such as QMC5883L, HMC5883L, LIS3MDL, with unparalleled resolution, precision, and noise levels for this range of sensors.

✏️FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE SOFTWARE for reading, configuring, and calibrating the sensor using SPI bus, compatible with Arduino, perfect for ESP32 or Teensy 4.

✏️MINIATURE DEVELOPMENT BOARD 1cm x 1cm with 2.54mm pin spacing for easy prototyping of robotic applications, drones... Snap-on prototyping pins allow for use on a breadboard or non-permanent mounting on a support board.

✏️ONLINE COMPREHENSIVE DOCUMENTATION enabling easy utilization of the board and extension of the offered functionalities.



⚠️ The offered board only includes the sensors and no microcontroller, which must be added additionally and connected to the board to benefit from the stated functionalities.

The SRX-MAG00-DEV is a high-performance magnetometer that can be used as a base for a heading measurement system.

It includes:


  • Magnetometer: Memsic MMC5983MA

The extreme compactness of the board makes it ideal for integration into robotic applications such as drones, rovers...




One of the best consumer grade magnetometer!

The board includes one of the best consumer-grade sensor in terms of noise, resolution, sensitivity... It is therefore a significantly more performing alternative to QMC5883L, HMC5883L, LIS3MDL, perfect for a precise e-compass application

Utilization of sensor data Compactness and modularity

Utilization of sensor data

  • Embedded software 100% compatible with Arduino!
  • Full access to raw or processed sensor data, allowing complete integration freedom into any project


Compactness and modularity

The use of clip-on pins allows for easy mounting on a breadboard or semi-permanent mounting on a host board. The pads on the back of the board and its compactness enable integration into any robotic project!


  • Board
  • Male and female clip-on pins
  • Straight pins



MMC connexion


Technical specs

1000 Hz

Max Mag Sampling frequency

± 8 G

Max Range

18 bits

ADC resolution

0.4 mG

RMS noise

± 0.5°

Max Heading Accuracy




Device brochure

BARO00 DEV brochure



Use the device

Language : english

Details : Device reference page, how to wire, links to other reference documents, how to use code...


Language : english

Details : Sensor parsing code documentation, compatible with all Arduino boards.


Language : english

Details : Sensors parsing package for Arduino IDE, compatible with all Arduino boards.

General documents

Language : english


Language : english

General guides

Language : english


Language : english


Package content

  • lps22hb barometer SPI Breakout Board
  • Male and female clip-on pins
  • Straight pins
Package content
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Electronic devices, sensors and Software for robotics