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Nano Sensor: LPS22HB High Precision Barometric Pressure/Altitude/Temperature Sensor Nano Barometer with SPI Communication for Arduino or Raspberry
Brand: Sysrox Name: SRX-BARO00-DEV ASIN: B0CZF62QJ2 |
Dimension: 1.05 x 1.05 x 0.2 cm Voltage: 3,3V Connexion: SPI |
✏️SYSROX PRECISION BAROMETER enables pressure measurements with a range of 260 hPa-1260hPa (-1876m-10100m relative to sea level) and temperature, usable as an altimeter... Reading frequency up to 75Hz.
✏️NEW GENERATION SENSOR (LPS22HB) HIGH PRECISION replacing older BMP180-BMP280 less performing. Improved resolution and noise level.
✏️FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE SOFTWARE for reading and configuring the sensor using SPI bus, compatible with Arduino, perfect for ESP32 or Teensy 4.
✏️MINIATURE DEVELOPMENT BOARD 1cm x 1cm with 2.54 mm pin spacing for easy prototyping of robotic applications, drones... Clipable prototype pins allowing use on a breadboard or non-permanent mounting on a support card.
✏️ONLINE COMPREHENSIVE DOCUMENTATION enabling easy utilization of the board and extension of the offered functionalities.
⚠️ The offered board only includes the sensors and no microcontroller, which must be added additionally and connected to the board to benefit from the stated functionalities.
The SRX-BARO00-DEV is a high-performance barometer that can be used as a base for an altimeter, for example. It includes:
The extreme compactness of the board makes it ideal for integration into robotic applications such as drones, rovers... |
One of the best consumer grade barometer!The board includes one of the best consumer-grade sensor in terms of noise, resolution, sensitivity... It is therefore a significantly more performing alternative to the older bmp085, bmp180 and bmp280... |
Utilization of sensor data
Compactness and modularityThe use of clip-on pins allows for easy mounting on a breadboard or semi-permanent mounting on a host board. The pads on the back of the board and its compactness enable integration into any robotic project! Included:
75 Hz Max Baro Sampling frequency 260-1260 hPa (-1876m-10100m) Max Pressure range 0.024 Pa (0.15 cm) Pressure sensitivity 0.75 Pa (6 cm) Pressure RMS noise ± 100 Pa (8.32 m) Pressure absolute accuracy ±10 Pa (0.83 m) Pressure relative accuracy SPI, I2C Communication The board is designed to work with SPI communication because of its superior performance and reliability. I2C is supported by the sensor but not by the provided software, pull-up resistors are not included.
Use the deviceLanguage : english Details : Device reference page, how to wire, links to other reference documents, how to use code... Language : english Details : Sensor parsing code documentation, compatible with all Arduino boards. Language : english Details : Sensors parsing package for Arduino IDE, compatible with all Arduino boards. |
General documentsLanguage : english Language : english |
General guidesLanguage : english |