10Dof Imu Accelerometer Gyroscope Magnetometer Barometer icm42688 mmc5983ma lps22hb 10 Axis Ahrs SPI Breakout Board for Arduino or Raspberry with E-documentation and Software
Brand: Sysrox Name: SRX-IMU00-DEV ASIN: B0CZF512CT |
Dimension: 1.05 x 1.05 x 0.2 cm Voltage: 3,3V Connexion: SPI |
✏️SYSROX HIGH-PERFORMANCE IMU AHRS 10 DOF/10 AXIS including a 3-axis accelerometer, a 3-axis gyroscope, a 3-axis magnetometer, and a barometer (pressure, temperature, altitude), usable as an inclinometer, tilt-compensated compass, altimeter...
✏️NEXT GENERATION SENSORS (ICM42688p, MMC5983MA, LPS22HB) HIGH PRECISION replacing older, less performing MPU6050-MPU6500-MPU9250-BMP280.
✏️HIGH PRECISION TCXO QUARTZ reducing gyroscope drift (< 7° in run bias).
✏️FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE SOFTWARE for sensor readout, measurement fusion at 500Hz using extended Kalman filter, real-time Fast Fourier decomposition, data logging and communication (CAN, protobuf, mavlink), compatible with Arduino, perfect for esp32 or teensy 4.
✏️MINIATURE DEVELOPMENT BOARD with 2.54 mm pin spacing for easy prototyping of robotic applications, drones...
✏️PRINTABLE PROTECTIVE COVER for component protection and reduced barometer disturbances. The cover .stl file is available on the documentation page.
✏️ONLINE COMPREHENSIVE DOCUMENTATION enabling easy exploitation of the board and extending the offered functionalities.
The SRX-INS00-DEV is a high-performance IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) that can be used as a base for an AHRS (Attitude Heading Reference System).
Paired with the included C++ library, it enables drift-free attitude measurements over 360° and precise measurements of altitude and vertical speed.
It includes:
3-axis accelerometer: ICM42688p 3-axis gyroscope: ICM42688p 3-axis magnetometer: MMC5983MA Barometer: LPS22HB
The compact form of the board makes it ideal for integration into robotic applications such as drones, rovers, inclinometers, compensated tilt compasses... |
Next-generation IMU with superior performanceThe board includes the best high-performance consumer-grade IMU in terms of noise, temporal and thermal drift, resolution, sensitivity... It is therefore a significantly more performing alternative to the older MPU6050, MPU6500, MPU9250, ADXL335, ADXL345... |
One of the best consumer grade barometer!
The board includes one of the best consumer-grade sensor in terms of noise, resolution, sensitivity... It is therefore a significantly more performing alternative to the older bmp085, bmp180 and bmp280... |
One of the best consumer grade magnetometer!
The board includes one of the best consumer-grade sensor in terms of noise, resolution, sensitivity... It is therefore a significantly more performing alternative to QMC5883L, HMC5883L, LIS3MDL, perfect for a precise e-compass application |
High-performance embedded sensors fusion
On supported hardware, sensors fusion is provided, giving acces to highly performant attitude and altitude solution:
Utilization of sensor data
Fast Fourier Transform
32 kHz
Max Gyro Sampling frequency
32 kHz
Max Accelero Sampling frequency
± 16g
Max Accelerometer range
± 2000 °/sec
Max Gyroscope range
7 - 10 °
Gyro in run bias
70 μg/√Hz
Accelero Noise level
0.0028 dps/√Hz
Gyro Noise level
± 0.15 mg/°C
Accelero Offset stability
± 0.005 dps/°C
Gyro Offset stability
75 Hz
Max Baro Sampling frequency
260-1260 hPa (-1876m-10100m)
Max Pressure range
0.024 Pa (0.15 cm)
Pressure sensitivity
0.75 Pa (6 cm)
Pressure RMS noise
± 100 Pa (8.32 m)
Pressure absolute accuracy
±10 Pa (0.83 m)
Pressure relative accuracy
1000 Hz
Max Mag Sampling frequency
± 8 G
Max Range
18 bits
ADC resolution
0.4 mG
RMS noise
± 0.5°
Max Heading Accuracy
Performances with fusion
Delays and bandwidth (-3dB)
Use the device
General documentsLanguage : english Language : english Language : english Language : english |
General guidesLanguage : english Language : english Language : english |
More information at: Sysrox website