If you’re like us, the first time you saw an e-reader, you thought to yourself, “I could do something with that.”. Thanks to clean lines, high contrast, daylight readability, and the remarkable level of energy efficiency that comes from drawing power only when changing the screen’s contents, the e-paper is uniquely suited to many applications. Following Inkplate 6 success, with Inkplate 10 we continue to make e-paper accessible to hobbyists and DIY product designers by offering a plug-and-play hardware platform that is super-easy to use and compatible with Arduino.
To name a few features, Inkplate 10 has a stunning 9.7″ inch e-paper display with a refresh rate of 1.61s, greyscale mode, and partial updates support. Powered by ESP32, you will have a strong microcontroller with WiFi and Bluetoot at your disposal. It’s super-low-power (22uA) so you can use it for days, weeks, or months out of a single battery charge. There’s a Li-ion battery charger, Real Time Clock (RTC), additional GPIO pins, and more. Using our Arduino library (100% compatible with Adafruit GFX), it’s 5-minute work to get the board running for you. The Micropython module is available as well. It’s 100% open-source for both software and hardware. What is especially interesting is that Inkplate uses recycled screens taken from old e-book readers, which is very environmentally friendly, but you have to keep in mind that some screens may have small scratches because of this. All screens with large scratches and damages are not used at all.