The high performance SmallS3features a compact design with some new features that make it a unique ESP32 board.
It is 30% smaller than the TinyS3 board, but still has 17 I/O pins broken out.
It's a good choice for IoT, robotics, wearable, home monitoring and home automation applications.
It can be programmed using Arduino IDE and other development tools.
SmallS3 features:
The new more integrated ESP32-S3-FH4R2 with internal 4 MB flash and internal 2 MB PSRAM.
32-bit 240 MHz Dual Core including an RISC-V ultra low power core.
2.4 GHz Wi-Fi & IEEE 802.11b/g/n, compatible with Bluetooth 5, BLE+Mesh.
3.3V, 700mA LDO.
The reversing current blocking diode D2 (BAT20J) is rated at 1A with very low leakage current. Most 1A diodes have a much higher leakage current. The current for a 3.3V LDO regulator, sometimes two LDOs, has to pass through this diode. The bigger the better and lasts longer.
17 GPIOs.
Standard WS2812B RGB. The RGB is turned off when it's not in use to save battery life.
5V power LED indicator and 5V presence detection.
User LED.
Whip ANT is as good as other types of ANTs for Wi-Fi communication if not better.
Larger RESET pushbutton does not hurt your finger.
Breadboard friendly, the battery connector is placed on the top layer.
Includes a set of low profile male and female headers and a 2-pin JST LiPo battery connector.
Size: 1.25" X 0.511" or 31.75mm X 12.98mm.
Pin spacing: X--0.1", Y--0.4"
Unique features on the SmallS3 board:
A digital switch is added to turn off the battery level test circuit after the test is done. It will extend battery life.
With a Low Pass Filter, the battery charge status LED does not flicker when a battery is not connected.
Long Reset Press (LRP) to enter bootloader mode, it's simple and easy to use, press the reset button until a red LED is lit to enter bootloader mode. No need to press 2 buttons at the same time. Once you use it, you may like it.
Pin-out is designed for connecting TFT and OLED displays without wiring on a breadboard, leaving more space for your circuits.