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Manuel Quero

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MQ One - A New Development Platform

The MQ One is born as a new development platform that includes all the necessary components ready to use in order to easily learn about embedded systems programming.

MQ One - A New Development Platform
  • thumbnail-img
  • thumbnail-img

Hardware Components

  • ESP32-S3-WROOM-2

    X 1
  • BNO085

    X 1

Tools, APP Software Used etc.


  • Kicad

  • Autodesk Fusion 360

  • VS Code


This project consists of the development of a modular programmable electronic device, from conception and design to validation and assembly.

The device has been conceived as a development platform for learning the programming of embedded systems. The infrastructure of the device consists of the body, which encapsulates the main PCB, the battery and the display, and several additional modules that connect to the body. By means of these modules the functional capabilities of the device can be expanded.

The main PCB consists of an ESP32-S3-WROOM-2 as the main microcontroller and an ATSAMD21 to manage the encoder and LEDs. In addition, integrates an IMU, a micro SD card slot, a microphone, sound system, battery power supply and USB-C connectivity.

On the other hand, the designed modules are:

- GPS module and BME280 sensor (temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure).

- Camera module with OV5640 sensor.

- Development module.

The device is focused on creating a development platform in which learning to program embedded systems is a simple and fun task.

Everything related to the selection of components, calculations, designs... can be found in the TFG Thesis.

  • MQ One - repository

Schematic and Layout
  • MQ ONE - repository

CAD-Custom parts and enclosures
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MQ One - A New Development Platform

The MQ One is born as a new development platform that includes all the necessary components ready to use in order to easily learn about embedded systems programming.


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PCB Assembly

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