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Rico Fenix

Published: Jun 27,2024

IN-12 Lamp Clock with WiFi v2

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Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA)

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  • Automatic setting and synchronization of the exact time when connected to the network.
  • 3 alarm clocks (functionality is available when connecting the Player mini module, with the ability to adjust the frequency, time, melody and volume
  • notification time 1h, 30m, 15m, 10m and 5m (functionality is available when connecting the DFPlayer mini module), with the ability to adjust the frequency, melody and volume, it is also possible to notify the voice of each hour
  • Manual or automatic brightness adjustment depending on the illumination.
  • The ability to control 8 SW2812 LEDs.
  • Management and configuration via the web interface.
  • Built-in lamp recovery function (Treatment of cathode poisoning).
  • turning off the indicator after a certain time and turning on, resetting the time by an external signal (when connecting a human presence detection sensor)

IN-12 Lamp Clock with WiFi v2

The watch is assembled on the ESP12E module(ESP8266). Using this module allows you to implement time synchronization using the NTP protocol and manage clock settings through a browser.

To increase the number of pins, 74HC595 shift registers were used, which control the IN-12 and IN-3 gas discharge lamps through transistor switches. The display is dynamic. The DS3231M is used as a real-time clock.

Pulse stabilizers are used to power the watch. The 3.3 volt stabilizer is made on the MC34063. To power the lamps, a step-up converter is used on the MAX1771, it outputs a stabilized voltage of 170 volts. Both stabilizers are powered by a voltage of 9-12 volts. The current consumption does not exceed 250mA and depends on the brightness of the indicator and the operating mode.

A photoresistor is used as a light sensor.

The board can be divided into three parts and connected with a "sandwich" for placement in a horizontal case.

The board has connectors for connecting buttons, eight WS2812 LEDs and programming the ESP12E module.

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*ELECROW community is a shared platform and we are not responsible for any design issues.

Rico Fenix

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ESP-12 74HC595 MAX1771 MC34063 DS3231 ULN2003 IN-12 WS2812 HLK-PM12 Clock
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