Main description
This is an ornament that you can put it in your christmas tree. It has an ATTiny414 that you can program it using UPDI interface. There are 12 LEDs connected using the Charlieplexing method.
Used components:
- 1x ATtiny414
- 12x green 0805 leds
- 1x 1uF capacitor, 1x 22uF capacitor
- 1x 2k, 2x 10k, 1x 4.7k, 4x 100 ohm resistors
- 1x switch SPST
- 1x Battery holder
- 1x NT3H2111
NFC part
I've included NT3H2111 in the circuit just for a challenge. It should communicate with Attiny via I2C. :)
Wood laser component
This is a custom wood part with some engravings on its side for a more holiday themed ornament. You can glue it on to the PCB using some adhesive.
Merry Christmas!