NuclearPhoenixPosts(2) Following(0)+ Follow
Building gamma spectroscopy and radiation detection related open-source hardware and software :)
Tim LovettPosts(2) Following(0)+ Follow
https://www.cranberrygrape.com I'm a developer who enjoys working with microcontrollers and building fun projects.
Matej KurpelPosts(2) Following(0)+ Follow
Electronic enthusiast since childhood. Web page: https://mekweb.eu
Pléyades ITPosts(2) Following(0)+ Follow
ESC VlogsPosts(1) Following(0)+ Follow
SEKSAN PINTAPRASAHTPosts(2) Following(0)+ Follow
StanleyProjectsPosts(2) Following(0)+ Follow
crisPosts(66) Following(1)+ Follow
Stefan MaetschkePosts(2) Following(0)+ Follow
Povilas DumciusPosts(1) Following(0)+ Follow
Richard TestardiPosts(1) Following(0)+ Follow
I have a wife and 17yo daughter here in Michigan. I am grateful most of the time and Christian. I love anything outdoors or math/science related.
Norio IkedoPosts(1) Following(0)+ Follow