Got a project that's been hiding under your workbench? It's time to showcase your masterpieces!!! —— Share it, Win it. Up to $6,000 in cash prizes, Maker Tools and Official Sponsorship are waiting for you!
3D printing is a process of creating three-dimensional objects by layering material (such as plastic, metal, or resin) based on a digital model.
It is a precise method of cutting a specific design from acrylic material
Actuators are devices that are used to control or move a mechanism or system. They convert energy into mechanical motion, allowing them to perform tasks such as opening or closing valves, moving a robotic arm, adjusting the position of a mirror, or controlling the movement of a vehicle.
Arduino is an open-source platform utilized for creating electronic projects.
Automotive refers to anything related to motor vehicles, including cars, trucks, motorcycles, and other vehicles.
Biometric refers to the measurement and analysis of unique physical or behavioral characteristics of an individual, such as fingerprints, facial features, or voice patterns, for the purpose of identification or authentication.
Boards & Shields
Cameras use a lens to focus light onto a light-sensitive sensor or film, which then captures the image. Cameras are widely used for photography, videography, surveillance, and various other applications.
Open source your Christmas designs and bring more colors and wonders to everyone's Christmas. Moreover, you might win the grand Christmas sharing award! Unleash your creativity and share your festive designs with the world. Let's make this Christmas an extraordinary celebration together.
CNC stands for Computer Numerical Control. It is a technology that uses computer systems to control machine tools and equipment in manufacturing processes.
Different sizes and types of screens to display information, images, and videos,etc.