Clockwise – DIY Smart Clock Kit | Wi-Fi, ESP32, RGB LED | Solder & Customize!

Clockwise – DIY Smart Clock Kit | Wi-Fi, ESP32, RGB LED | Solder & Customize!

E3002 Single Wire Serial LCD Interface

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The E3002 Single Wire Serial LCD Interface greatly simplifies the connection to standard alphanumeric LCD displays by handling the process intensive timing considerations using only a single serial port pin (19.2K/115.2Kbaud) from the host micro.  Standard alphanumeric LCDs from 1x8 to 4x20 sizes are easily controlled with only one ASCII byte for character or custom characters, or two bytes for instructions such as placing a cursor.  The module includes contrast adjustment, space for a user supplied backlight resistor, and mates with the standard 1x16 LCD connector.  


The E3002 Single Wire Serial LCD Interface greatly simplifies the connection to standard alphanumeric LCD displays by handling the process intensive timing considerations using only a single port pin from the host micro.  Standard alphanumeric LCDs from 1x8 to 4x20 sizes are easily controlled with only one ASCII byte for character or custom characters, or two bytes for instructions such as placing the cursor.  Serial data is jumper selectable for either 19.2Kbaud or 115.2Kbaud with echo.  An elastic buffer stores up to 128 bytes of serial data.  All the LCD timing is handled by the E3002 greatly simplifying the display process for the host micro.  This is accomplished using a command set compatible with the HD44780 and other variant controllers.  Non-standard commands and delays are easily handled with special instructions.  The E3002 is compatible with both 3.3V and 5.0V LCDs using a jumper.  The E3002 includes contrast adjustment and space for a user supplied backlight current limiting resistor.  It mates with the standard 1x16 LCD connector and can easily be piggybacked onto an LCD or on a protoboard.  



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