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Combine the FSCOPE-500K with a Raspberry Pi Pico or Pico W* and the Scoppy Android app* to create a 500kS/s oscilloscope.
Simply solder a Pico (or Pico W) to the board together with 0.1" header pins and the supplied trimmer capacitors and you have a 500kS/s oscilloscope.
Note: Android device, RPi Pico, probes,BNC connectors and headers are NOT included
Features and Specifications
More Information
FSCOPE-500K assembly instructions
FSCOPE-500K opeating instructions
What You'll Need
Please Note
The FSCOPE-500K supports AUTO and NORMAL trigger modes and RISING EDGE and FALLING EDGE trigger types. The trigger level is set either by dragging the trigger indicator, tapping the trigger level buttons or tapping the trigger badge at the bottom of the screen. Long-pressing the LEVEL button will set the trigger level to the center of the displayed waveform.
Horizontal and vertical cursors are available in both YT (ie. normal oscilloscope) and FFT modes. In YT mode, the horizontal (X) cursor measurements include position, period and frequency. Vertical (Y) cursor measurements include the voltage and the delta between the two cursors.
Note: Android device, RPi Pico, probes,BNC connectors and headers are NOT included
Note: Android device, RPi Pico, probes,BNC connectors and headers are NOT included
Standard X-Y mode as found on most oscilloscopes. Also includes a LINES option to join all samples points with lines instead of displaying individual dots. This can make the output look much nicer for some signals.
The X-Y mode view can be displayed simultaneously with the YT waveforms.
Note: Android device, RPi Pico, probes,BNC connectors and headers are NOT included
Displays the waveform data as it is captured instead of waiting for the complete waveform record. Roll mode is used when the sample rate drops below 1kS/s.
Tapping the ROLL button will enter roll mode and set the Time/Div to 1s/div. Tapping it again will leave roll mode and set the Time/Div back to its previous value.
Pressing the SINGLE button will capture a single waveform record of up to 100k samples. Can be used with either AUTO triggering (to capture the waveform immediately) or NORMAL triggering (to capture the waveform after a trigger event occurs).
Headers can be soldered to the board to access the Logic Analyzer inputs. The logic analyzer sample rate is 25MS/s and the maximum voltage is 3.3V.
Protocol decoding is not available but the waveform record can be saved and imported into other software (eg. sigrok/pulseview).
Removing the jumpers from the DC coupling pins will enable AC coupling.
On screen measurements include Vmin, Vmax, Vpp, Frequency, Time (Period) and Duty Cycle for each channel. Tapping the measurements will open the configuration screen. The configuration screen can also be accessed via the channel badges.
Measurements can be displayed for a single waveform (snapshot). These snapshot measurements can encompass the entire sample record or just those samples displayed on the screen. The measurements available include Vmin, Vmax, Vpp, Vmean, Vdc-rms, Vac-rms, Frequency, Period and Duty Cycle. The snapshot measurements can be displayed by long-pressing the on-screen measurements or via the channel badges.
The signal generator can produce square waves of between 10Hz and 1MHz or a PWM encoded sine wave of 1kHz. The PWM encoded sine wave can be converted to an analog sine wave using the onboard low pass filter.
The hardware is open source and of course you can install your own firmware onto your Pico or Pico W board (however, if you do this you are on your own as we can't provide support for custom firmware).