DSO Shell (DSO150) Oscilloscope DIY Kit

DSO Shell (DSO150) Oscilloscope DIY Kit

SIM5360E 3G Shield

SIM5360E 3G Shield

DIY EC1621 DS3231 Electronic Clock & Acrylic Shell Kit

was $10.50 Special Price $5.25
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This DIY EC1621 DS3231 electronic clock & acrylic shell kit has a lots of functions, except that you need to soldering them by yourself. It use the 51 series chip, and also provide a shell for protecting. Except the basic 12-hour/ 24-hour display, it also has the following functions.
Exact timing: Adopts DS3231 chips, official said the accuracy comes to 2PPM.
Chime on every hour: User can set the hour time randomly and choose the ring you like.
Dual Alarm clock: Dual independent alarm clock, user can set the duration and ring.
Temperature: It has the Centigrade and the Fahrenheit, which can be calibrated.
Intelligent light control: It can lower the brightness when gets dark, user can set the light control level (total 5 level) according to preferences.
Display by circle: The Time, Temperature, Date and Week display in circle. It only shows time when you close the circle display. 


  • PCB parameter: 110.4 * 34 * 1.6mm (Blue)
  • Parameter with case: 122.8 * 51.4 * 29mm
  • Digital Tube working voltage: DC 5V
  • Operating Current: around 50mA

Package list

  • 1 x Battery Holder
  • 1 x Battery
  • 1 x Capacitor(Cap3)
  • 2 x Capacitor(104)
  • 4 x nixie tube
  • 1 x Loudspeaker
  • 1 x PNP transister
  • 8 x Resistor(470R)
  • 5 x Resistor(20K)
  • 1 x photoresistor
  • 1 x thermistor
  • 2 x switch
  • 1 x MCU
  • 1 x 28 PIN holder
  • 1 x RTC IC
  • 1 x USB seat
  • 1 x Power line
  • 1 x PCB Board
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