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Crowbits-Hello Kit with 7 modules, Programming Learning Kit, STEM Project Toys

Crowbits-Hello Kit with 7 modules, Programming Learning Kit, STEM Project Toys

Crowbits-All in One Pack Kit

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【Crowbits-All in One Pack Kit】Include 5 Crowbits Kit, from easy to difficult.
【STEM Toy】For kids of all ages, include the no-code kit and code kit.
【Support plug and play】Easy to use.
【Details tutorial】Don‘t worry about how to use


Crowbits are designed for STEM education and it allows children to learn programming easily or teachers to bring the detailed lesson plans into their classroom and embed them in their learning system.

The level of programming for children of all ages is different. We have designed a series of Crowbits kits according to users’ different needs, each kit depends on the users’ age, experience, and interest. We hope kids of all ages can experience the joy of programming and give play to creativity.

These 5 Crowbits Kit are the perfect educational tool for all ages. Start with no coding, move on to light coding, and then move on once again to fully coding. From newbies to experts, Crowbits are the premier way to learn programming and engineering.

Note: Please allow the actual colors of LEGO-compatible blocks to be a little different from the project shown in the video.

Get to know the Crowbits

Crowbits is a magnetic, programmable electronic block that can help kids or beginners to learn coding and electronics. Contains 80+ modules for kids to develop logic skills, programming skills and turn their idea to reality with endless creativity.



What you can do with All in one pack Kit?

All in one pack Kit includes Hello Kit x1, Explorer Kit x1, Inventor Kit x1, Creator Kit x 1, and Master Kit x 1. Start with no coding, move on to light coding, and then move on once again to fully coding. From newbies to experts, These five Crowbits Kits are the premier way to learn programming and engineering.

 Hello kit with no coding


No coding mode- Just connected, free of coding, completely screen-free.

Crowbits Hello kit and Explorer Kit, build projects with cardboard, LEGO-compatible blocks, or other materials you want, truly unlimited. Under the no-coding mode, Crowbits will guarantee to pull your child’s eyes away from their screens and into a new world of thoughtful playtime.


Crowbits Creator kit

Coding mode- fully unleash kids' imaginations.

         Finding a suitable gift for your kids can be a challenge, we can help you. As a coding toy, Crowbits help your kids learn how to code, it's not necessarily about learning one of these languages or actually building websites.

      Far from it, we care more about your child beginning to understand the building blocks in the correct order, usually logical thinking, results in actions happening as planned. Just drag and drop the coding blocks, then program the robots to do things.

At present, there are 3 coding kits based on Crowbits, Inventor Kit, Creator Kit, and Master Kit respectively.

Crowbits Creator kit

Crowbits Master kit

5 Crowbits Kits-STEM toy for kids of all ages


Letscode - Coding to active your inspirations

Comes with a customized programming software-Letscode, just drag and drop the programming blocks to create projects as you want.

Crwobit kits support letscode


World-Class Curriculum

Detailed lessons to guide kids to start with a project to teach them how to solve problems and think creatively step by step.

World-Class Curriculum

Help kids code build and create with this kit


The Family of Crowbits

Crowbits Hello kit Crowbits All in one pack kit



  • Easy to use, plug and play
  • Various tutorial guides
  • Compatible with Lego blocks
  • Strong expansibility, more attractive
  • Graphical programming


  • Hello Kit: 7.1 x 5.5 x 2.1 inch
  • Explorer Kit: 11.2 x 8 x 2.7 inch
  • Inventor Kit: 9 x 6.5 x 3.5 inch
  • Creator Kit: 9.8 x 7 x 3.2 inch
  • Master Kit: 8.1 x 8 x 3 inch
  • Weight: 4441g

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