CH32V307 Evaluation Board RISC-V MCU Onboard Wch-link CH32V307VCT6 CH32V307V-EVT-R1 WCH

CH32V307 Evaluation Board RISC-V MCU Onboard Wch-link CH32V307VCT6 CH32V307V-EVT-R1 WCH

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CH32V003 Kit Development board with wchlinE Debugging Tools WCH CH32V003F4P6 Chip SDI System Main Frequency 48MHz MCU RISC-V2A 1-wire

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CH32V003 series is based on the QingKe RISC-V2A core design of industrial-grade general-purpose microcontroller, support 48MHz system main frequency, with wide voltage, 1-wire SDI, low-power consumption, ultra-small package, etc. CH32V003 series built-in a group of DMA controller, a group of 10-bit ADC, a group of OPA, multiple timers and standard communication interfaces USART, IC, SPI, etc.







1. Overview

CH32V003 series is based on the QingKe RISC-V2A core design of industrial-grade general-purpose microcontroller, support 48MHz system main frequency, with wide voltage, 1-wire SDI, low-power consumption, ultra-small package, etc. CH32V003 series built-in a group of DMA controller, a group of 10-bit ADC, a group of OPA, multiple timers and standard communication interfaces USART, IC, SPI, etc.


2. Product features


  • QingKe 32-bit RISC-V2A processor with 2-level interrupt nesting support
  • Up to 48MHz system main frequency
  • 2KB SRAM, 16KB Flash
  • Power supply voltage: 3.3/5V
  • Multiple low-power modes: Sleep, Standby
  • Power up/down reset, programmable voltage detector
  • 1 group of 1-channel general-purpose DMA controller
  • 1 group of OPA
  • 1 group 10-bit ADC
  • 1 16-bit advanced-control timer and 1 16-bit general-purpose timer
  • 2 watchdog timers and 1 32-bit SysTick timer
  • 1 USART interface, 1 group of IC interface, 1 group of SPI interface
  • 18 I/O ports, mapping an external interrupt
  • 64-bit chip unique ID
  • 1-wire serial debug interface(SDI)

Shipping List

CH32V003 development board+WCH-LinkE+10pin download cable



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