Helium IoT Network Sensor Development board | H2S-Dev V1.2 Basic

Helium IoT Network Sensor Development board | H2S-Dev V1.2 Basic

V9261F Breakout

V9261F Breakout

Ch32-Ant: Ch32V003 RISC-V Board with Stemma QT

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Ch32V003 RISC-V Devboard with Stemma QT connector



What is it?

This is a small, breadboard-compatible development board for the CH32V003F4U6 MCU with a Stemma QT connector.


Why did you make it?

It was created, because I needed a cheap development board with a Stemma QT connector. The CH32V003 seemed like the perfect MCU for the task. It's Arduino-compatible, supports USB (pure software USB), and is cost-effective.


What makes it special?

  • Stemma QT connector.
  • Pin-to-Pin compatible with Esp32-C6-Bug.
  • Logic voltage can be switched using on-board 0 ohm resistor(3.3V or 5V)
  • USB support
  • Arduino compatible
  • Schematics is available.
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