Robotic car projects are widely applied in DIY electronics. With various materials, the robot car can do many different tasks. The robot car kit is a necessary product in STEM education. It's interesting to assemble a robot car all by ourselves. And electronics enthusiast can learn a lot and find so much fun when finishing a robot car project. There are kinds of robot car, such as light seeking robot car, object tracking robot car, line following robot car, video shooting robot car, self balance robot car etc. And I will recommend top 6 popular robot car I selected.
In this article, it attach a video about how to make your own obstacle avoiding robot. And the code is also displayed on the page. You would need components like HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor, arduino uno board( or crowduino uno), 4WD mobile platform and other accessories.
This article is also an inspiring store. The author want to make a robot that can track object with android phone, but he can't find code source of android app in google. He think that the project is too hard to acomplish, trying to give up. But finally, he conquered the all the difficulties because of his passion for the DIY electronics.
This is a self-balancing scooter assembled by 3D printed parts and drived by Aduino micro-controller. The yellow appearance is actually neat and elegant. It balances itself using data from 6-axis IMU and a PID control loop.
In this tutorial, the author made vocie controlled robot with an Android application and controlled the robot via smartphone. He displaed detailed information of the project in the text under the video, such as the hardware required, code and app, suggested videos and so on.
This is an original project mady by elecrow engineer. You can control the car and the camera head with the smart phone. The materials of this project can be found on elecrow on-line store. You can completely make your own smart wifi video equipment in other application environment,such as safe guard and baby sitter.
The diy smart tracking robot car kit is an introductory electronic kit designed to help kids or electronic, enthusiasts, and novices learn about basic electronic basics knowledge like soldering and simple circuits. Of course, except the above 6 projects selected from my view, there are many other wonderful robot car projects which you can find in goolge and learn a lot from.