Holiday Notice: Elecrow will be on holiday starting January 26th (GMT+8). the last shipment day for service orders is January 21st. Orders can still be placed during the holiday, but deliveries will be delayed. [Learn More]
CrowPi-L is a lite version born out of CrowPi2, where "L" stands for Lite, Light, and Laptop. CrowPi-L is a real Raspberry Pi computer designed for the programming beginners. It was introduced after resolving a few restrictions identified by the users and Raspberry Pi enthusiasts. Some of the issues faced by the users included difficulty in installing the Raspberry Pi, switching systems, cooling and connecting an external display. CrowPi-L will give users a new experience.
The Raspberry Pi is a very cheap computer that runs Linux, but it also provides a set of GPIO (general purpose input/output) pins, allowing you to control electronic components for physical computing and explore the Internet of Things. Crowpi-L is a real Raspberry Pi computer for learning programming and hardware. Crowpi-L is a real Raspberry pi laptop for learning programming and hardware.