This Raspberry Pi, IoT Doorbell is basically a simple smart Door Bell which takes a photo of who ever rings it and emails it to the specified email address, and keeps all the photos in a folder. After preparing materials for this project, you need to set up hardware and make the door bell. Then you could do software&programing to realize the gmail set up etc. So you can email script customisation to run the code. Details please see Raspberry Pi IoT Doorbell
Build Your First IOT with a Raspberry Pi, DHT11 sensor, and ThingspeakIn this project, you will get what you need and prepare for the Raspberry PI and then you need to understand GPIO Pins and build the circuit. Most importantly you are supposed to setup thingspeak for your IOT data and connect Mini-intro to Python. For the last step you need to create the Python Script and finally start your IOT engine. Details please see
This will show you how to set up a simple wired web server on your Raspberry Pi, with PHP and MySql. The Raspberry Pi is a good choice for a webserver that will not recieve too much traffic, such as a testing server, or small intranet, as it doesn't get too hot (so is nice and quiet), and only uses around 5 Watts of power. Details please see
To make this project, you are supposed to handle with following things like its software,communicating with pi, electronics, hardware, construction and get the results.It is just an amazing homemade raspberry pi timelapse dolly. Details please see Raspberry Pi powered time lapse dolly (RasPiLapse
Raspberry Pi IoT ticket printer for online stores Why not make a ticket printer machine that connects directly to an email account where all the orders made in your online store arrives and print the tickets automatically for you. In any e-commerce platform when a client makes an order you can receive the email. This is really a helpful and beneficial project. Details please see Raspberry Pi IoT ticket printer for online stores After reading above amazing projects, have your mind aroused with sparks and creativity? Just take action and make one of them ! I believe the detailed projects could firmly help you a lot. May follows raspberry pi modules could help you too Acrylic Bracket Kit for Pi Spark Supercomputer Cluster 3.5 Inch 480x320 TFT Display with Touch Screen for Raspberry Pi 7 Inch 800x480 TFT Display for Raspberry Pi B+ Pcduino Banana Pi 10.1 Inch Portable HD Display for Raspberry Pi 3 Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Want more ? Welcome to click following picture ☟