Holiday Notice: Elecrow will be on holiday starting January 26th (GMT+8). the last shipment day for service orders is January 21st. Orders can still be placed during the holiday, but deliveries will be delayed. [Learn More]
The following is our TOP 10 popular products of 2015 except the PCBA service and PCB service.
1. Beginner - Basic Kit for Arduino with Guide Book
This Bacis Kit for Arduino is the perfect kit for you to dive into the electronics and Arduino world. It includes the most popular accessories for a first_time user to learn about the Arduino hardware, software and general electronics theory. The detailed guide book, which includes 13 step by step basic experiments, helps you creating small, simple, and easy to assemble circuits. It is straight forward, includes diagrams, codes, explanations, and additional instructions, with which you can understand all about the projects, to get the necessary skills needed to progress beyond the book.
2. GPRS/GSM Shield For Arduino
The GPRS/GSM Shield provides you a way to use the GSM cell phone network to receive data from a remote location. it delivers GSM/GPRS 850/900/1800/1900MHz signals for Audio, SMS and GPRS Service. It is compatible with all boards which have the same form factor (and pinout) as a standard Arduino Board. This GPRS/GSM shield is configured and controlled via its UART using AT commands. The GPRS Shield Also has 6 GPIOs,2 PWMs and 1 ADC(They are all 2V8 logic), which can be controlled by AT commands of Controller.
3. HDMI 5 Inch 800x480 TFT Display for Raspberry Pi B+
This 5 inch TFT Display with Touch Screen is a mini panel mountable HDMI monitor. So small and simple, Although the 800x480 common HDMI display is made for Raspberry Pi B+. but you can use this display with any computer that has HDMI output, and the shape makes it easy to attach to a electronic product.
SIM808 GPRS/GSM+GPS Shield is a GSM and GPS two in one function module. It is based on the latest GSM/GPS module SIM808 from SIMCOM, supports GSM/GPRS Quad Band network and combines GPS technology for satellite navigation.It has high GPS receive sensitivity with 22 tracking and 66 acquisition receiver channels.
5. Crowduino With ATMega 328 V1.1
The Crowduino is Arduino compatible board. Based on Arduino Duemilanove Schematic, 100% compatible to its existing program, shield and IDEs.
6. DS203– 4-Channel Pocket Oscilloscope (Aluminum Alloy)
DSO203 ( DSO Quad) is a pocket size 4 channel digital oscilloscope for common electronic engineering tasks. It's based on ARM cortex M3 (STM32VCT6), providing 72Mhz analog bandwidth with integrated FPGA and high speed ADC. Internal 2MB USB disk could be used to store waveform, user application and upgrade firmware.
The GPS Shield is base on the ublox's NEO 6M receiver module , and the footprints is compatible with Arduino/MEGA boards. The regular GPS pins (RX, TX) can be connected to D0D7 of Arduino. Support software SerialPort and Micro SD card interface.
This a well designed,2WD mobile robot development platform,you can build it and program it easily with tons of published free codes. Compare with the other mobile platform, this platform has 2gear motor with encoder disk, which makes it easy to control the speed, with acrylic board and mounting holes, you can add Variety of sensors to make it more interesting.
9. Dual Channel H-Bridge Motor Shield (8A 22V)
The Dual Channel H Bridge Motor Shield is composed of 2 discrete MOSFET H bridge, designed to drive two DC motor with max current 8A. It is made up of 8 N channel MOSFET IRF3205S and 4 pcs of half bridge motor controller IR2104, to build 2 H bridge. With this shield and the Arduino board, users can control and drive motors with a max current 8A@ 22V. The universal 7.4~11.1V lipo battery that are popular used in the remote car and model airplane can be applied as well.
10. Crazepony MINI Quadcopter Open Source Development Platform
Crazepony MINI is an ultra compact quadcopter kit that fits the size of your palm. It is remote controllable by smart phone or tablet through bluetooth. It is open sourced. It is designed for those who are interested in learning, experimenting and coaching how to develop your very own drone. let's begin our flying dream.