ColorBerry(with Battery)

ColorBerry(with Battery)

Isolated USB to TTL UART RS232

Isolated USB to TTL UART RS232

555 Timer Oscillator

Availability: In stock
This electronic kit is a square wave generator. You can use it as a clock for digital CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) circuits and as a sound generator.



This electronic kit is a square wave generator. You can use it as a clock for digital CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) circuits and as a sound generator. If you are connecting this circuit to the speaker, then you need to connect a 1000 uF capacitor between the kit output and the speaker.

This capacitor is not included in the kit. You can also use this kit as a sample generator to generate musical instrument samples for music editing software. Also, if you are designing an alarm and want to select the frequency of the alarm then this is the kit for you. You can adjust the potentiometer to the desired sound, disconnect the potentiometer, measure the potentiometer resistance, and add this value to 1,000 (refer to the circuit). The kit is fully assembled. 


A 1 Megohm variable resistor can change the frequency and an SPDT (single pole double throw) switch controls the frequency range from 22.4663 Hz to 15,000 kHz and from 1.5296 Hz to 1.0213 kHz.

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